More so enforced when who were you with
at the time you possessed it.
Back in the day. In this hood, as I remember it.
If the undercover DT’s caught you with a dime,
nickel bag or even a joint. They tuned you up
big time to where you had to be dragged in the
cop car. From there you were put through the
system for having weed.
In 1977, New York decriminalized the possession of up to 25 grams of marijuana, making it an infraction with a $100 fine. However, possession in public view remained a misdemeanor. Some civil rights advocates said that this was used as a way to unfairly arrest people.
The Rockefeller Drug Laws, which were once the most severe drug laws in the United States, were repealed in 1977 under Democratic governor Hugh Carey.
The laws had been a major factor in the increase in incarceration in New York City in the 1980s.
Then there were dudes like bumper. He was a beat cop
that would go in the back with the Asian broad and the
two of them would knock boots while he was on duty.
That’s when the corner boys started to rebel.
The cultivation season in the Golden Triangle, a region in Southeast Asia primarily encompassing parts of Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand, for opium poppy crops typically occurs between November and March due to the tropical climate, with planting happening in the late fall and harvest taking place in the early spring.
Key points about the Golden Triangle cultivation season:
Planting time: November to December
Harvest time: February to March
Factors influencing the season: Monsoon rains provide necessary moisture for germination, while the cooler, drier months allow for optimal poppy growth and harvest.
In April 2022, Afghanistan's de-facto authorities banned all cultivation of opium poppy under strict new laws. Opium is the essential ingredient for manufacturing the street drug heroin, and the class of medical prescription opioids which millions rely on for pain medication worldwide.