unreal trip from this past fall. My friends and I landed over 15 kings during this trip. we fished mainly in a stretch just above the trestle pool, where the islands start to separate the river. We were using spawn patterns and beads. My biggest fish landed was 25lbs on the spot. The pic will be posted shortly. Cant wait to get out this November for some steel. have any questions i can give anyone specifics tight lines!
Posted 8 years ago
great early start left house at 4:30 got there around 5:30 setup and missed a couple bites one on a bottom rig another on a bobber setup. Then an hour later i managed to land a beautiful largemouth, which i was hoping to be a laker but none the less a beautiful fish from a bubble and a minnow. she came in just under 4 lbs (3 lbs 15 ozs). We waited a couple hours and when we were about to give up, my dad was reeling in his line and WHAM. a nice laker took the minnow and the battle was on. he fought it for about 10 min on light 10 lb line and we got him in. 5 lbs 3 ozs 26 inches a fine and first ever lake trout from the res for my father. I'm still lakerless, so i will be going again soon. we then picked up and headed out around 11, but when i was walking off the path i kicked something and to my surprise was a 20$ bill. not a bad ending if you ask me, and i guess when it's good fishing over there it must be good luck all around.
Posted 10 years ago
bass, perch, pickerel honey hole in massachusetts heading there tomorrow with a couple of friends. I hope the ice is safe enough to hold us. I have a minnow trap set hopefully it's full of minnows. Looking to post pics tomorrow of the catch is the ice is safe.
The ice was 8 inches thick and was totally safe we caught 30-35 fish and they were all solid. we caught pickerel, crappies, yellow perch, largemouth bass, and lost a white perch
Posted 11 years ago
catching trout left and right. right off the ramp about 15 to 20 feet out, using nightcrawlers. had 3 flags in 3 hrs and got a beautiful male about 15 inches. We recently went again and caught 12 trout through the ice on powerbait, all rainbows ranging from 10 to 15 inches again. great action video is on youtube if you want to see some footage.
Posted 11 years ago
With 46 Total Points
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Total Overall Points: 46